What We Do Here…

The Coffee Bar

The Coffee Bar is a community cafe, open Wednesdays through Fridays between 9am - 2.30 pm. Click here to see our menu.

No reservations are required, however if you’d like to book a larger table please email us.

We’ve had a number of volunteers gain skills and move on to permanent employment through their volunteering with us, so if you’d like to join the team please speak to Lynn in the Coffee Bar.

Intro to Electrics

A free 8 week course for young people to learn new practical skills in electrics and to receive support job hunting. Contact us if you or someone you know would benefit from the course.

Our Partners

Our partners run a number of drop-ins and events in The Bridge Centre throughout the week. Drop in to the centre or click here to find out about all we’re doing!

Room Hire

We have two halls that can be hired out for parties, community events and meetings. Contact us to find out more.


Located in the south of Aberdeen City, Torry is a vibrant and diverse community of 10,500 people, however, it is burdened by social deprivation.

Alongside King’s Church Aberdeen and other community partners, the team from the King’s Community Foundation provide services to the community including the Coffee Bar, Intro to Electrics training and host the Bethany Christian Trust addiction and family workers.

The community at the Bridge Centre is both growing and thriving, thanks to kind donations from the public.




The Bridge Centre

258 North Balnagask Road


AB11 8LQ